![]() Not to confuse the issue, but what exactly is art..? (click for more)
![]() Dreaming With Orson (30 December 2013) - I've just completed a LONG planned painting, originally conceived after first seeing Henri Rousseau's original THE SLEEPING GYPSY at MOMA in NYC in 1985, hanging the poster in my apartment, then getting my first Irish Wolfhound in 1993. Although not as large as a real lion, these doggies are about as big as you can get, and I even dressed Scruffy up a lion a couple of times for Halloween costume contests (which he won). As a musician with a large animal, the fit seemed perfect to me, and Rousseau is one of my favorite painters, but over 20 years of planning (both as a painting and/or a staged photograph) only finally became reality when my current wolfhound (and Scruff's grand-nephew) Orson, now almost 11 years old, had what I believe was a small stroke and ended up in the hospital unable to walk (which, for a 130lb dog, is essentially a death sentence). I somehow managed to nurse him back to health, and was reminded about my version of Rousseau's painting having just revisited MOMA a month earlier. I love Orson so much, and we are very bonded, and it became very important that I complete this painting while he was still alive (and here it is, about a month later).
![]() ![]() Rousseau's SLEEPING GYPSY at MOMA; sleeping with Orson with the painting DREAMING WITH ORSON above the couch at home, 25 December 2013. I will be printing postcards of the painting, mostly for friends and dog lovers, and will make them available for sale. I also shot video of the process, and hope to create a video essay about my love for my dog, Rousseau's painting, and my obsession with copying art/music/etc. I am a clever monkey, but is it art? Stay tuned...
![]() ![]() Updated WWJD T-Shirts (13 January 2011) - A play on the "What Would Jesus Do?" hats, t-shirts and accompanying lectures and disapprovals that inevitibly follow, I have recast it as "What Would John Do?", a common question in my mind as I learned the music, stage persona and life of THE WHO bassist John Entwistle while performing in a Who tribute band (which ended in 2010). John himself answered this question definitively by dying in a Las Vegas hotel room with a pair of strippers and (apparently) too much cocaine. I prefer to concentrate on his musical choices when asking this quesiton, but you can think what you want... I have had t-shirts professionally manufactured with this original art, and it already seems to be a hit with bassists and Entwistle fans worldwide. There are now BLACK SHIRTS and GREY SHIRTS, and I am catching up on filling orders starting in February 2011. Order yours today - $20 + $5 USA/Canada shipping, all others email first for rates. Available in men's Medium and Large Hanes tees, they fit a bit large, and don't seem to shrink much.
(plus $5 shipping/handling within North America)
(plus $5 shipping/handling within North America)
(plus $5 shipping/handling within North America)
(plus $5 shipping/handling within North America)
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![]() Morals vs. Ethics (16 January 2007) - A recent website posting entitled The Lie Of Moral Atheism continued the timeless canard, this time by a conservative christian, that without god there can be no morality OR ethics. I have been wanting to paint this for quite a while now to illustrate my take on the issue, and this article, along with a recent viewing of the Magritte exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, finally forced my hand (well, defeated my laziness...). Read my response to the article sent to its author here (not that I expect it to be printed or posted on the original site). Magritte has been a major visual influence of mine since I was a teenager, although I use his visual technique to make different kinds of points (or, as opposed to many of Magritte's works, to actually make a point at all). I'm sure this literalism is an anathama to surrealists everywhere. Whatever.
(plus $8 shipping/handling within North America)
![]() ![]() These 4"x6" color postcards suitable for mailing to your friends and enemies are available unsigned, mailed in an envelope, for $1 each plus an additional $1 for the envelope and stamp, ANY qty, OR I'll sign 'em, stamp 'em and mail 'em anywhere with a custom message if you like (you can request the message in the Paypal COMMENTS field, but I get to decide if I write it or not, so be NICE).
I am using Paypal's secure credit card payment system. You DO NOT need to join Paypal to use a credit card, although if you are a Paypal member you can pay by credit card or bank account. Your support is appreciated! Additional shipping fees for orders outside of North America will be required - I will email you for payment of the difference; quantity discounts available. ![]() American Fundamentalists Project (2 March 2007) - This huge painting, completed in May 2004, continues to morph and evolve (take that, creationists!). After shipping and setting it up all over the US in 2004-6, including taking part in panels and public lectures, it is temporarily back in Southern California, but continues to attract interest and conversation. Aug 2006 events included an on-air discussion on Los Angeles' Air America affiliate KTLK 1150AM, plus a fundraiser display in Riverside for a Democratic congressional candidate (go to the American Fundamentalists website for details and regular updates). This painting has allowed the speaker/activist in me to develop; in 2007 it may resurface as a multi-media stage presentation (a la Laurie Anderson & Spaulding Grey). The issues are not going away any time soon, and niether am I. In the meantime I am available to display and speak about the work anywhere in North America and Europe, so send your invites!
I am using Paypal's secure credit card payment system. You DO NOT need to join Paypal to use a credit card, although if you are a Paypal member you can pay by credit card or bank account. Your support is appreciated! Additional shipping fees for orders outside of North America will be required - I will email you for payment of the difference; quantity discounts available.
© 2024 Joel Pelletier, The Way Home Media/Music, Hollywood, CA
Joel, Pelletier, joelpelletier, joelp, independent, indie, Los Angeles, chamberpop, chamber pop, chpop, realtime, (real)time, real, time, mp3, free, audio, video, CD, CD-ROM, DVD, enhanced, album, project, rock, pop, songs, music, lyrics, classical, acoustic, electric, hybrid, genre, art, artist, multimedia, painter, composer, arranger, producer, musician, multi-instrumentalist, solo, band, bass, double bass, guitar, drums, piano, cello, violin, viola, orchestra, quartet, string, arrangement, orchestration, studio, live, perform, tour, america, europe, asia, free, buy, donate, donation, download, mp3, digital, analog, surround, 5.1, QuickTime, animation, illustrations, images, media, Real, steinberger, NAMM, EAW, mackie, way home, web designer, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Bartok, Berg, Hindemith, John Lennon, Beatles, Crowded House, George Martin, Peter Gabriel, Sting, XTC, Paul Simon, Joe Jackson, translations, american, english, french, spanish, portuguese, german, italian, russian, swedish, chinese
email: joelp@joelp.com